« …I am Argentinian because I was born in Argentina, but I feel part of the world, it cannot be explained, it is lived ».
"...Barbara Luna transforme les racines musicales de l'Argentine en une composition acoustique pleine d'énergie..." Libération
Generous soul, powerful voice, Barbara Luna draws inspiration from her Argentinian roots. Creating music and texts, she dares all mixtures where traditional and current influences merge in a very personal style.
Born in Buenos Aires, this rebel against "machismo" first set foot in several European cities before being discovered in France in 1998 at the Printemps de Bourges.
Since the 2000s, she shines in the four corners of the planet (Francia, España, Grecia, Australia, Canadá, Argentina, , Alemania, Inglaterra,Sicilia, República Checa, Sudáfrica, Singapur, Estados Unidos, Australia, Venezuela, Mexico, Chile…), where she demonstrates that she is a true stage artist.
Seven discs have revealed the creativity of Barbara Luna which influenced new generations.
Drawing from the Amerindian and African roots of Latin music, she mixes milongas (peasant ancestors of urban tango) with contemporary jazz and pop sounds.
From the beginning, she wrote her own texts and composed her music where traditional and current influences combine, complement each other, intersecting and merging in a very personal style. We often salute her voice, which has a very particular texture, and the quality of her stage performances.
“...A charisma to match her incredible vocal abilities, contribute to her great success"... New Caledonia
Toute sa carrière internationale : à découvrir ici
"My musical creations cross different periods. I grew up between folk, tango (Argentinian blues) and pop, immersing myself in Jazz later. It will be through this melting pot that my songs are born ."
Her original and modern style had challenged Remy Kolpa Kopoul (RKK, late pillar of Radio Nova) from the first listen: “This music is much more innovative than most of the electro mixes that we hear everywhere. But as it is also more subtle, the listener does not always realize it…”. Barbara Luna is the ONLY artist for whom he has produced a record, « A la vida, a la muerte », Barbara's first record.
In the 90s, her dreams and her curiosity take her away from Argentina, to settle in France, in a neighborhood of Lyon, after a long trip through Europe. There, she sings in clubs, parties, festivals, pubs and discos. A feeling cradled for years begins to glimpse : singing love and trying through music to sow the understanding and union among human beings...
"I didn't know exactly why, but I knew I had to leave"...
Demo in hand of her first recording, the young Argentine goes to Paris, following the advice of her friend Yuri Buenaventura, renowned Colombian singer, Yuri introduces her to Remy Kolpa Kopoul (great figure of Radio Nova and of Parisian life in general) who listens to the demo. The demanding journalist is completely fascinated by her voice, the audacity of the mixes and the modernity of the artistic project.
RKK creates its own label and calls the record label "Mélodie" for the distribution of “A la vida a la Muerte.” From then on, Melodie produces and distributes the following albums: India Morena, Somos and Live en Athenas. In 2006 record industry crisis, Mélodie does not escape bankruptcy.
Despite the difficult times, Barbara manages to interest independent producers with whom she works: Ruta Tres, Hijos del Sol and The Other Side.
Some dates that mark
• 1998 marks the revelation of Barbara Luna when she seduces the general public during her participation in the Printemps de Bourges.
• 2000: The Womad team (a festival created by Peter Gabriel) notices her. Between 2000 and 2006 Barbara Luna is programmed in all the Womads on the planet
• 2001, "Attention Jeune Talent", recognition awarded by FNAC for the album "India Morena".
• 2014, In Argentina, "India Morena" becomes the flagship song of the central show of the National Day of La Vendimia, more than 80,000 spectators per evening, 40 musicians, 500 dancers on stage make the front page of public television for four nights.
• 2019, Mario Ziperman, the founder of Los Fabulosos Cadillacs calls her to participate in the project of the album "El poeta, canciones en espanñol de Leonard Cohen»(The poet, songs in Spanish by Leonard Cohen).
> Dates of the next concerts <
For more than 20 years, regardless of the country where she performs, Barbara Luna has delighted an enthusiastic audience.
Her strengths are a warm and powerful voice that conveys a whole range of emotions,
an impressive charisma, a joyous hearty and elegant music
to which are added a sincerity and a generosity which give scope to his qualities as an interpreter.
« Feline and ferocious embarking doubts and passion in a virile and thunderous round,
she attacks the scene today like a bull in an arena".
• Musicora salon de musique (SCPP) - France 2021
• Espectaculos Callejeros Festival de Cosquin - Argentine 2019
• Jazz in Larmor - France 2019
• Festival de chants marins Paimpol - France 2019
• Fête de la Belle angèle - France 2019
• Festival Nahawand Sfax Tunisie - 2018
• Jeudis de Ploemeur - France 2018
• 36 Billares à Buenos Aires 2018
• Fête de la Belle angèle - France 2018
• Pan Piper Paris 2016
• Océanis 2015
• Fête nationale de la Vendimia Mendosa Argentine 2014
• Festival Latino Andalou Aulnay Sous Bois 2014
• La Bizz'Art Nomad - France 2014
• L'entrepot Paris 2014
• La fête à Borce - France 2014
• Théâtre de Aulnay Sous Bois 2013
• La fête de la musique Mairie de Clichy 2013
• Théâtre de Rutebeuf Clichy- France 2013
• Club de jazz Gazarte Athènes 2013
• Festival Maquizart - France 2013
• Festival de Othe - France 2013
• Salle Art Base Bruxelles - Belgique 2011
• Maison de l'Amérique Latine - Paris 2011
• Résonnance 2010 à Rochefort
• Festival du cinéma Latino à Biarritz 2010
• Casino Barrière - La rochelle 2010
• Festival Insulaire de Groix 2010
• Festival il y a de la banlieue dans l'air 2010
• Half Note Club de Jazz Athènes - Grèce 2010
• Salle de concert - Crète 2010
• Amorgos - Grèce 2010
• Le New Morning Paris 2009
• Tournée Australie 2009 :
Adélaïde Cabaret Festival
The Forum Melbourne
The Tivoli Brisbane
CarriAgeworks - Sidney
• Travelling Rennes
• Tournée Guatemala 2009
• le Sunset - Paris 2009
• Barcelone 2008
• Festival Eclats - Dieulefit 2008
• Journée Internationale de la Femme Azul - Argentine 2008
• Festival de Los Sueños 2008
• Festival Mont de Marsan 2008
• Festival a Puerto Deseado 2007
• Festival Cueva de las Manos - Patagonie 2007
• Théatre de verdure - Algérie 2007
• Sori Festival - Corée 2006
• La Fiesta National del Lago à Calafate - Patagonie - 2006
• Half Note Club de Jazz Athènes - Grèce 2006
• Théâtre de Rutebeuf Clichy- France 2005
• Ibn Khaldoum - Algérie 2005
• Concert pour 400 ieme anniversaire de la ville Santiago del Estero - Argentine 2005
• Festival Hammamet 2005
• Festival de Cartage 2005
• Le New Morning - Paris 2005
• Concert Hommage à Don Sixto Palavicino à SanTiago del Estero - Argentine 2005
• Festival de Cosquin à Cordoba - Argentina 2005
• Porto Latino Saint Florent - Corse 2004
• Trianon - Sotteville Les Rouen - Nomandie 2004
• BBC George's Chapel - Bristol 2003
• Festival Les nuits atypiques - Langon 2003
• Concert au Carnaval Crête- Grèce 2003
• Festival Paris Banlieux Tango à L'espace Kiron - Paris 2002
• Festival Nuits de Sud - Sète
• Festival d'Angoulème
• Womad Readding Festival - Londres 2003
• Salles à Londres
• Fête de l'humanité - 2002
• Festival des voix de femmes à Anvers et Bruxelles - Belgique 2002
• Festival de Doma y Folklore de Jesus Maria à Cordoba - Argentine 2002
• Solidays 2001
• En Juillet 2001, au festival des musiques sur l'île à Nantes.
• Festivals latinos et d'été à Sète, caen Capvern, Le puy en Velay, Colmar Albi, Saint Florent, Vence, Uzes, Barcelonnette, Morlaix, Montpellier...
• Théâtre de Saint Gilles Ile de La Réunion
• Bateau Phare Ile de La Réunion
• Festival Saint Louis Ile de La Réunion invitée par Daniel Warro
• Le New Morning 2001
• Opéra de Sidney - Australie 2001
• Womad Adélaïde - Australie 2001
• Centre culturel Djibaou (3 nuits) - Nouvelle Calédonie 2001
• Womad de Johanesbourg - Afrique du sud 2000
• Womad Seattle 2001
• Womad Singapour
• womad République Tchèque
• Womad Hambourg
• womad Canaries
• Womad Sicile
• Le New Morning - 1999
• Many concerts in Paris throughout these years : le Sunset, le new morning, Le Cabaret Sauvage, L'Entrepôt, La chapelle des Lombard, La guinguette pirate, le Satellit-Café, le China Club....
Beautifull musical encounters
• 1ere Partie de concert de Peter Gabriel au Womad de Seatle en 2000
• Juan Carlos Caseres participes on her first album "A la vida, a la muerte", where they sing in a duet "Perdes el tiempo" and share the stage more than once (Spain, France...)
• A few festivals with Yuri Buenaventura.
• Duet with Pau AImar at Nahawand Sfax Festival, Tunisie in 2018
• Invited on stage by Manu Di bango at the New Morning for the tribute concert at Tito Puentes, 2000
• Sing with Yungchen Lhamo, Lo Jo,
• First part of Henri Salvador, on the "festival des musiques" sur l'île à Nantes.
• At the theater of Reno, Calogero, Julien Clerc
• With Hasna El Bécharia and Lila Down at the festival "voix de femmes" in Belgium
• The collectif 20 years Barakat avec Faraka, Samia Diar,Mamia Sherif, Souad Belhadad, Hasna El Bécharia ...
• Participation in the creation of the album de Paco, recorded in Cuba atthe music studio of Sylvio Rodriguez.
• With Jane Birkin And Khaled for Kosovo in Montpellier
• Jointly with Pata de conejo, unicef, Guatemala
• With Horacio Banegas duet at Notorius, Bs As
• Junto a Rally Barrionuevo y el Mono Banegas cantan por Le Festival de Los sueños, Venezuela
• Raul Paz creates his album Ruta tres a complicity which takes them to the stage.
• Mario Ziperman [Los Fabulosos Cadillacs], calls her to participate in the creation of the album « El poeta, canciones » de « Leonard Cohen » in Spanish.
Wednesday October 25, 2023: at the Argentinian Embassy in Paris
Ambassador Leonardo Daniel Constantino conveys to Barbara Argentina’s recognition for her contribution
in the dissemination of Argentine culture through his music.
"This distinction as ambassador of Argentine music in Europe and in the world for me a great honor and a great reward for alloo these years of intense work in music, defending my roots"...
Barbara avec son musicien Jean M'Ba N'Guema
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